Showing posts with label false teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false teaching. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2009


I am a 1998 RHEMA grad. I wish that I had never heard of the place. I wish I had never heard of Kenneth Hagin. I was heavily involved in the Rhema culture and teachings for fourteen years. It was a total waste of my life and money.
Most of my friends and folks thought that I was crazy for getting involved with the Word of Faith, but I wouldn't listen to any of them. I was obsessed with faith and wanted to be so full of faith that I could move mountains. I had several ministers warn me that the teaching at RHEMA were out of balanced and dangerous but I believed in Kenneth Hagin and his visions.
Kenneth Hagin was a preacher and prophet that claimed to have been visited by Jesus Christ on at least eight occasions. At other times he was visited by Angles, went to Hell three times and up to the Throne Room of Almighty God. It has also been well documented that Kenneth Hagin plagiarized massive amounts of writings by EW Kenyon, who taught and mix of Christianity, Christian Science and New Age. I felt that if I went to RHEMA, that I would be around the Prophet of God and that I would become a giant of faith. I wanted control of my life and circumstances. I felt that RHEMA was the greatest place on the planet.
I left the Birmingham Police Department with my early retirement pension and rented my house out and moved to Tulsa. My whole two and a half years in Tulsa cost me around thirty grand in expenses and tuition. It was a terrible time as far as money goes, and it didn't feel to good to watch teachers and pastors driving around in Lexus and luxury vehicles all of the time.
RHEMA was a very strange place to attend church and school. I always had to battle offense and the willie jillies. The place felt wrong on the inside. It was all about faith, submitting to authority, and money. We sang about money. There were faith emblems and faith flower beds and even a gigantic faith shield on the roof that you could see from miles away.
I had come from a background of having been through Marine boot camp at Parris Island, and I had also been through the Police Academy. RHEMA was just as strict. They had more rules than a prison camp. They had ushers with walkie talkies every where, armed security, and they would not let you use the bath room during offering time. I was constantly being rebuked and fussed at. We had to have special stickers on our cars so that we could be spotted if we were at places that we shouldn't be in. We had all kinds of dress codes and rules to abide by. If you were one second late, you got sent to admissions.
I only took one class on prosperity the whole two years, but prosperity was preached night and day. I became an expert on tithing. I heard way more about the tithe than I ever did about the cross. Some of the instructors were rude and harsh and some of them were really awesome. It was an unwritten rule that we could not ask questions during class. One time a black lady got fussed at for saying amen too much. They taught us that there was one specific dance in the Spirit, and that all other dancing was flesh. They were into the Holy Laughter thing real big when I was there, but they would also kick you out of class for laughing too much. They would also take of running during the church services and classes and do speed laps till they fell out, but you could also be kicked out of the service at other times.
Kenneth Hagin was to RHEMA what Brigham Young is to BYU. We held him in high regard and he was treated with the upmost of respect. He would tell us hours of stories and spend hours telling us his visions. Here I was at RHEMA, sitting at the very feet of God's anointed prophet! I even shook hands with him a few times.
I will say this honestly. I never felt a lick of love there except from two instructors. It was very controlling, very rigid, and extremely legalistic. It was like being in boot camp in many ways.
Many RHEMA grads go onto to start churches and duplicate everything that RHEMA was. There are hundreds of Word of Faith churches all over the world that are cookie cutters of RHEMA. I have been to many of them over the years. I have been screamed at by one of their directors for asking questions. There are many grads out there pastoring the same way they were handled at RHEMA. I call it mirroring. Kenneth Hagin claimed that he was a prophet and told many horror stories that scared us. There was much teaching on submission and obedience.
As I look back on my fourteen years of living in that culture and atmosphere, and can now see where I was spiritually abused and manipulated. I can see that I spent fourteen years in legalism and fear. I was brainwashed with a different message than the one found in the Gospel. It was a terrible experience. I am still in the healing and restoration process. It will take a lot of time.
I get emails from RHEMA grads all the time that had the same problems and experiences. For a long time I thought that I was the only one. Now I correspond with RHEMA grads on a daily basis. There is even a large church in Tulsa that is starting a recovery group for RHEMA grads! That is awesome. There are thousands of people that have left the Word of Faith that need help and time to heal. Many of them will no longer go to any kind of church. These people need our love and prayers.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

True Facts About The Word of Faith Movement

EW Kenyon was the founder of the Word of Faith. He taught extensively on positive confession, but died from a massive malignant tumor.
Kenneth Hagin plagiarized much of Kenyons writings and also taught extensively on Divine health and positive confession of the Word. He died of a massive heart attack.
EW Kenyon was heavily influenced by the New Age and Christian Science teachings of his day, and his writings are full of catch phrases and definitions from the Eastern religions and cults.
EW Kenyon taught that Jesus went to Hell after he died on the cross. According to this doctrine, the Blood of Jesus was not sufficient. A proper rendering of the Greek words for Hell in regards to the death of Jesus would be translated as grave.
Kenneth Hagin preached a mixture of Kenyon's New Thought and his own claimed visions of Jesus. Hagin claimed that Jesus Christ appeared to him on eight occasions in which he received hours of one on one instruction on faith, healing and other doctrines. This is in direct violation of Galatians 1:6-9
Kenneth Hagin claimed that during a trip to Heaven, that Jesus laid hands on him and transferred a special healing anointing, and that if people believed in that anointing that they would be healed. Hagin's sister died of cancer, his brother-in-law died of cancer, his wife was sick for years, and his grandson had medical treatment for a brain tumor. Many of his students have died of cancer and other diseases.
Kenneth Hagin claimed that Jesus said that when Hagin was speaking out of the Spirit, that if people did not receive what was said, that they would die. This is nothing but spiritual control and manipulation.
Charles Capps, another Word of Faith teacher, that specializes in positive confession of the Word, has had to wear thick eye glasses for years. It is reported that his wife had to have a major organ transplant.
Numerous Word of Faith teachers are under Senate investigation because of their extravagant lifestyles which are financed through seed faith offerings.
Kenneth Copeland, another prominent Word of Faith teacher, has had to cancel meetings because of health issued. He is refusing to cooperate to with the Senate even though he has taught extensively on submission to authority.
Many Word of Faith churches are very controlling and teach the tithe far more than they do the cross. many Word of Faith people are living in a state of continuous fear because they believe that whatever they will say will come to pass.
The Word of Faith teaches that believers can create and change their circumstances by mixing their words with faith.
The Word of Faith teaches that God no longer can do anything upon the earth because He has put Man in charge.
The Word of Faith teaches that we were healed by the stripes of Jesus on Calvary. If this were true then everyone would automatically be healed at the moment of salvation. Word of Faith teaches that man should have a lifespan of 120 years. Kenneth Hagin told a crowd of 7,000 people that he would live to be 135 years old. He died the next year.
The Word of Faith takes hundreds of scriptures out of context to build their doctrines. They use Old Testament promises to Israel to promise health, wealth and total victory for the Church.
If you used a computer word counter, the tithe would be mentioned far more than repentance or Calvary. That is because the Word of Faith is obsessed with money and materialism.
The Word of Faith uses many of the same formulas as does witchcraft and New Age.
The Word of Faith preachers constantly report incredible miracle healings as a result of their prayers, but the fact is that there are no healings that do not involve medical treatments. A true miracle is when someone is healed instantly of a serious organic disease or injury without the aid of medicine.
The Word of Faith is full of teachers such as Mike Murdock which tell people that if they will send money that God will send miracles.
The Word of Faith is obsessed with faith. It is a religious system that is based on works and formulas that do not work. Word of Faith churches have just as many people die of sickness as any other denomination. Word of Faith people suffer the same afflictions as other believers all over the world. Word of Faith people promise Divine protection, but die in plane crashes, car accidents and other tragedies just like other believers do.
The Word of Faith message is that man is in control of his destiny. It is Humanism. It is the Gospel of me, myself and I.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is The Word of Faith A Cult?

Is the Word of Faith Movement a cult? Lets look at the facts:

1) The WOF was founded by a man named EW Kenyon that mixed Christian Science with Christianity. He was fond of Mary Baker Eddy's writings and he used the same catch phrases and teachings that the Christian Scientist do. (if you do not believe me then Google Christian Science, it will sound very familiar to you if you are Word of Faith)

2) Prophet Kenneth Hagin claims to have had numerous one on one meetings with Jesus Christ in which he received doctrine and insight which he taught extensively. Many scholars have charged that Kenneth Hagin plagiarized much of Kenyon's writings. I have seen pages and pages of evidence myself.
Are you in The Word of Faith Movement? If you are, then you are in a cultic religion that is based on the teachings of a man that claims that Jesus Christ appeared numerous times to him. That is SCARY! So dangerous! Wake up! Get out! Leave!

3) If you are in this Movement, and approach your leadership with questions about these visions and the New Age teachings, you will be treated like a snake. If you question these teachings and visions, all of the people in the Movement that you know will begin to shun you.

1) A cult is led by a strong, charismatic leader that claims to have extra-biblical revelation. This includes visions, and unorthodox theology.

2) A cult revolves around the man and his revelations

3) In a cult, there is much pressure to conform, and if you begin to ask too many direct questions about the teaching, you will be ostracized!

If you are in The Movement, and if you are honest, you know for yourself the heavy emphasis on money. This alone should set off alarms in your spirit.

For exhaustive and investigative documentation, and for help, please go to